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Why DIY Repairs Are Terrible For Your Plumbing

woman trying to fix kitchen plumbing

Ever try to repair a pipe that has sprung a leak or a toilet that won’t stop running? You may have noticed how much of a nightmare it can be the moment you decided to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Sure, doing it yourself may save you a buck or two, but it can actually cost a fortune in the long run. See below to find out why you should leave most plumbing repairs to the professionals:

Experience Counts

A licensed plumber is trained to diagnose plumbing issues quickly and correctly without missing any warning signs.

Since they can provide an accurate diagnosis and the right solution to any problem within the system, you’ll have peace of mind knowing the same issue won’t spring up again.

The Right Tools

If you’ve ever tried to take on a DIY project, you have probably also realized you don’t have all of the tools for the job – and this is where creativity comes into play. The end result is usually a bigger mess than what you had when you started.

A licensed professional plumber has the right tools and uses quality parts and equipment for large or small repairs, ensuring everything is fixed in an efficient and effective manner.

Service Backed by Warranty

Homeowners who attempt a DIY fix when a pipe bursts or a sink overflows usually spend more time and money on the issue than a professional plumber actually would.

With a job that’s been professionally fixed by one of our licensed Tri-City plumbers, homeowners enjoy prompt, courteous and knowledgeable service that is backed by a customer satisfaction guarantee of customer and a warranty against any part failures.

Ready to make the smarter decision? Call on the experts at Tri-City today and we’ll get the job done right, the first time!
